The Greater Little Mountain Area (GLMA) is a unique high desert region regarded by biologists, resource managers and sportsmen and sportswomen to contain some of the most sensitive fish and wildlife habitat in Wyoming. This habitat also presents tremendous opportunity for hunters and anglers. The GLMA is one of the most sought after hunting areas for mule deer and elk, and its small mountain streams hold abundant cutthroat trout. All of this under a backdrop of rolling aspen groves, pine forests and red-striped badlands outdoor recreation opportunities abound. In 2008, the Greater Little Mountain Coalition (GLMC) formed to protect this region.
Our Mission
The Greater Little Mountain Coalition works with local stakeholders, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Bureau of Land Management to promote a balanced management plan that protects the areas hunting, fishing and recreational opportunities for future generations while supporting responsible oil and gas development.
“Oil and gas revenues drive our local economy and we can balance that with protecting Little Mountain, which is the crown jewel of Sweetwater County. The thing that we have in this county, that is nowhere else, is intact wide-open spaces. I support protecting those places. ”
What We've Achieved
Developed an economic brochure for the Gr. Little Mountain Area (GLMA) highlighting the economic benefits of hunting, angling, and outdoor recreation in Sweetwater County.
Published a map outlining our six proposed management zones and their unique management prescriptions.
Created a GLMA fact sheet to highlight the immense value of the area.
October 2014 - Hosted a field tour with the Sweetwater County Commission. Visited a Colorado River cutthroat trout habitat enhancement project on Gooseberry Creek.
February 2015 - Met with Rock Springs BLM Field Office decision makers and staff to discuss the importance of GLMA to sportsmen and sportswomen. Shared our management vision for a balanced approach with smart-from-the-start planning for oil and gas development.
June 2015 - Hosted a field tour with Wyoming Governor Mead’s natural resource policy adviser. Witnessed an antelope give birth on Little Mountain proper.
January 2016 - hosted a public open house in Green River, WY to share the Coalition's vision and management proposal.
January 2016 - submitted our proposal for inclusion in the BLM’s Preferred Alternative for the Rock Springs Resource Management Plan revision. Coalition crafted management proposal to protect the highest value fish and wildlife habitat while setting aside impacted areas for continued development.
June 2016 – received letters of support from City of Green River, City of Rock Springs and Sweetwater County Commission for the Coalition’s management proposal.
July 2016 - met with Center for Environmental Quality, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior and the Wyoming delegation in Washington D.C. thanking them for their work and asking that the Coalition's management proposal be analyzed and included, in its entirety, in the final Rock Springs RMP.
August 2016 - Hosted a field tour with Senator Barrasso's field staff. Visited habitat improvement projects and developed oil and gas sites.
September 2016 – Hosted a RMP Cooperator's Field Tour including Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Environmental Quality, Sweetwater County Commission, Department of Agriculture, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Office of State Lands & Investments. Visited habitat enhancement projects and oil and gas sites.
May 2017 - Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development (SFRED) and Sweetwater County Commissioner Johnson met with the Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management and the Wyoming delegation in Washington D.C. asking that the Coalition's and Wyoming Game and Fish Department's management proposals be analyzed and included in RMP revision.
June 2017 - Hosted a Flag Day Celebration in Green River to highlight the importance of protecting the areas world-class hunting and angling opportunities with a balanced approach for oil and gas leasing.
August 2017- Hosted a field tour with local media professionals from Rocket Miner and Sweetwater Now. Visited Gooseberry Creek habitat improvement project.
June 2018 - Hosted a field tour with county, state and federal land planning and management decision makers, local sportsmen, Wyoming lawmakers and the media on aerial and ground tours of the GLMA.
August 2018 - Hosted a field tour with High Country News discussing potential cumulative impacts of nominated parcels of BLM’s 3rd and 4th Quarter Oil & Gas Lease Sales in southwest, WY covering over 1 million acres, including 173,923 acres in the GLMA.
Summer 2018 - GLMA threatened by BLM’s 4th Quarter Lease sale with 173,923 acres of parcels nominated for oil and gas leasing in the GLMA. Governor Mead, Sweetwater County Commission, local governments & delegates support deferral of parcels within the GLMA until strong resource protections in the revised Rock Springs RMP are finalized in a signed Record of Decision.
January 2020 - Hosted a Greater Little Mountain film premier and panel discussion in Rock Springs with over 100 attendees.
June 2020 - Hosted Governor Mark Gordon and team on an aerial and ground tour of the GLMA.
August 2020 - Hosted field staff from Senator Barrasso’s and Congresswoman Cheney’s offices on an aerial and ground tour of the GLMA.
June 2021 - Coalition members met virtually with BLM Wyoming Acting State Director Kimber Liebhauser, Rock Springs Field Manager Kimberlee Foster, and their key staff members to discuss the Rock Springs RMP revision timeline and ask that they prioritize its completion using their existing research and work.
June 2022 - Hosted local decision makers and Game and Fish personnel on an aerial tour.
October 2022 - Met with WY BLM Director Andrew Archuleta and staff to discuss RMP Revision timeline and urged them to prioritize a draft release.
August 2023 (Draft RMP Released!) - Hosted local decision makers, Game and Fish personnel and others on an aerial tour